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Today, and evolution.

I’m not sure what our plans are for today, there are a feuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigho0000000000000000000000000000ytygtdfkkkkkk

Ok, lets try this again without a kitten mauling me to get my bagel.

I’m not sure what our plans are for today, there are a few possibilites. We invited a couple friends over to see Caligula and our new house and then to head out to have a nice dinner. If that doesnt work out there is an Ian Boddy Gathering Concert downtown that we’d be interested in seeing. And of course there are other friends we can probably find to come over and drink beer with us if neither of these things work out. I want some real socialization! %)

Our Swedish friend sent us the final episode in the Nova Evolution Series. This one was entitled “What About God?” I didn’t have high hopes for it, but it turned out to be very interesting. Now I’m not going to go into a long rant about how Christians are dumb, so no worries. But I was quite shocked to realize that there is still such a big Christian movement against evolution! I kept wanting to ask these people if they thought the world was flat as well, and the earth was the center of the universe. I guess being brought up in a home where what little religious education that came from my father stressed that there was no trouble with the evolutionary theory and the opening chapter of Genesis. Days described were not literal days, a number such as “millions of years” really has no place in our mind, we just can’t grasp that, so wording it as “days” makes us humans much more able to understand what was going on. I took all of this for granted.

When I began watching this episode I was shocked and saddened that there were Christian groups stressing literal 6 day creation! They would sing songs about how evolutionary theory was wrong and evil and “of the devil,” and parents were so concerned about their children being taught it that they’d try to shelter them as much as possible from the entire theory. For the most part these people really had no information about evolution besides what their preacher told them, and they were encouraged NOT to study more about this. How can people be like this in our day and age? Do they just give up thinking?

I was pleased to see a great deal of the show focus on students at a Christian College who were quite intelligent talking about their views about how evolution can fit into Genesis (like I was taught). In fact I’d really like to sit down with one of them sometime to have them tell me more about what they believe. I have a great deal of respect for these people.

Of course I’m not Christian, and in my mind putting evolution into the genesis box is just rationalizing. But this is acceptable in my mind, completely dismissing scientific truths is not.

*wanders off*