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Jesus spam, a jesus movie, and cleaning the dishwasher.

I have all sorts of things to do today, but I have had so many things on my mind that I had to take a break and write.

Today I went out to the mailbox, seemed to be the usual bunch of junk, but then I noticed some church spam, then another piece of church spam, then a spam for an “Armageddon Bible Prophecy Seminar” … I don’t think I’ve ever gotten religious spam in such quantities before! Since this was my first good experience with church spam I thought I’d take a look at them…

1. From Graterford Bible Fellowship Church; To: Rural Route Boxholder

The Fellowship Flyer

This seems to be a pretty standard church flyer. Printed on a bright yellow piece of paper by a photocopier or something. This sort of flyer doesn’t scare me.

2. From Christ’s Church of the Valley; To: Rural Route Postal Customer

What do a ton of your insanely stressed-out friends and neighbors have in common? They’ve found a seriously good church to help them balance life’s demands. It’s at the Regal 24 Cinema (no joke!) every Sunday. Walk through the door and you won’t find any boring rituals or talks about stuff in the 138th century B.C.” … it goes on and on.

Oh dear, it’s one of those progressive churches… and held in a MOVIE THEATER!!! It’s printed on nice paper with pretty shiny graphics. These churches scare me, and I really can’t see how anyone can benefit from attendance at such a place. I mean it’s great to have your church be enticing and fun, but despite their claims of being “faithful to the Bible” I’m always skeptical…

3. From: Northwest Evangelism Institute; To: Resident

Armageddon: Bible Prophecy Seminar

This one is scarier than a church in a movie theater. It’s printed on nice shiny big paper, and has flames on it with capital letters real big saying ARMAGEDDON. Inside is lots of pretty colors and graphics, and exclaimation points. And scary things about “The Middle East Conflict and World War III” OH THE WORLD IS ENDING! Sigh. This is so weird.

Yay for entertaining Spam! Enough of that.

Wait, more Jesus. I saw The Passion of the Christ on Sunday night. I did a lot of thinking yesterday as to whether I liked it at all. I was pretty sure I didn’t like it one bit. It was bloody and useless. I thought about writing a whole rant about all the things that bugged me in it, but then I realized that it’s not worth my time.

We went to the grocery store last night and picked up some “Lime Away” which is supposed to get rid of mineral deposits. This morning I decided to use it on the dishwasher. Washing a dishwasher? Yes, like I mentioned previously we have a pretty bad hard water problem, and it seems like the dishwasher has been left to build up this white mineral film for years. This buildup probably doesn’t let it run very well, and having all that stuff in there while it’s running makes our dishes get white deposits on them as well so they don’t look very clean. So I spent over 2 hours this morning scrubbing out the dishwasher and racks. It wasn’t fun, and even with the gloves, the little this lime away stuff touched my hands was enough to dry them out to the point of hurting. The dishwasher looks pretty good now, it’s nor perfect, but I was able to clean up most of the really bad areas. This morning I also spent a bunch of time cleaning other things, since I had time between scrubbing the dishwasher and sending it through rince cycles. It was a productive morning.

This afternoon I’ve mostly been paying bills, dropped into irc a bit, and thought of all sorts of things to do with my website. I have a long to-do list again, lots of fun things. I should go work on some of them… *wanders off*