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Saturday Night’s LAN party.

I’m definately sober now.

As briefly mentioned when I posted the link for the pictures, the LAN party was fun. And oh boy, it’s been a very long time since I’ve had that much to drink.

Our friend Bob came over in the afternoon to ride with us over to the party, and he wanted to see our new house. Caligula was great too, he was a little shy at first, but after a half hour or so he was sleeping on Bob’s lap. A guard cat he is not! Hehe. We got to mct and Nita’s around 6, right on time! And of course were the first ones there. It was ok though, we got the tour of the house they’re renting, it’s nice and big %)

People started showing up around 7, n-tropy (with ut2k4 cds!), waltman, gr, and a couple people I hadn’t met before. Once UT2k4 was installed on my machine I started playing with n-tropy and Bob, as the installs were finished more people would join up, it was pretty fun. Nita started making some fruity drinks (ice, margarita mix, vodka, and this time, tequila). Of course, as is quite normal with me, the start of the fruity drinks means the end of my lan game playing. I’m not sure what time that was, but it worked out fine, since I wanted to hang out with Nita and get drunk, and a couple people didn’t bring computers so they were able to play on mine. UT2k4 seemed to run fine in linux, but it seg faulted 3 times on my machine, and at least once on Michael’s. We figure it is just because of the version of xserver that Gentoo uses *shrug* It’d probably crash for me that many times in Windows as well as the night wore on, and I’d need a no-cd crack if I had wanted to run it in Windows. Oh yes, the linux version doesn’t require the cd to start it, just like normal ut and ut2k3, yay!

While Nita was making another batch of fruity drinks I noticed that gr and co. had brought Guinness. I do like Guinness, and I order it from the tap when we go to lunch with Bob at Unos, but I had never tried the stuff in the can. In the can there is a little CO2 cartridge, so it foams up the beer in the can when you open it. Drinking from the can is gross, so I poured it into a nice beer glass, of course I am used to pouring foamy belgian ales so I had to be taught how to properly pour a Guinness. It was quite strong, more so than I would have liked really, and as I mentioned in my last entry, I like it from the tap much better. I probably won’t be buying Guinness in a can anytime soon.

So, much, fruity, drink. I finished the Guinness and started on the potent fruity drink again, and I got drunk. People have assured me that I’m a happy drunk, and I’ve never made much of a fool of myself, except for when I try to act I’m sober and have a conversation with a completely sober person. I should not do that. I always end up losing my train of thought, giggling, and saying “man, I’m DRUNK!” It’s much better just to sit and talk with Nita, at least then when I lose my train of thought it’s to another drunk person and it’s less embarrassing.

I had so much fun. Nita and I polished off almost a whole bottle of vodka, not a huge bottle, less than a liter I’d say, but that was mixed with tequila. I didn’t realize we could drink so much! We made sure to keep the snack bowls stocked so that we wouldn’t get sick, and it worked nicely. I ate so much junk food, toward the end of our fruity drinks I know I was almost continously eating pretzels, chips and those horrible cheese balls[1].

snacks and drinks
By this time I was drunk, and in this picture I think I was defending some silly Star Wars thing to sober people. From the left: me, Nita, mct, waltman, n-tropy, two powerbooks and Michael’s thinkpad.

I guess it was around 3 (well, it was 2, but daylight savings time, so new time 3 am) when people started leaving. We stuck around with n-tropy swapping some big media files (I now have season
s 5-8 of Red Dwarf!) until around 5. Sometime during this mct and Nita brought out a 750ml bottle of Lindemans Kriek lambic, it was about half full and they assured me that they’d had it for a while and would probably not drink it. Well I was already drunk, and it’s difficult for me to refuse a lambic! So I drank it, mmmm cherry lambic, and ate some reeses peanut butter eggs. Before we left n-tropy gave me an old Wallace and Gromit calendar that he found of his, the really interesting thing about this calendar is that December is a scene of Wallace and Gromit dressed up for Christmas, which doesn’t show up any of the movies, so it might have been made special for the calendar that year, which is pretty cool %) He also let me borrow his DVDs of “Firefly” a scifi series which mct and Nita had been borrowing previously.

It was a great party.

When I got home I drank a glass of water and took a glass with me to bed. Bob crashed on our couch for a couple hours and so Caligula wouldn’t bother him we closed him in our room. Of course Caligula was lonely for us and wanted to play. He ended up knocking over my water and jumping and clawing us until it was beginning to be light out (ahh morning!). Eventually he settled down and I was able to sleep. I woke up around 8 am thirsty, so I got a new glass of water, and it wasn’t until I lied back in bed and the room was spinning that I realized I was still drunk. Waking up still drunk is funny. I got up again around 10, came upstairs and got those pictures off my camera. I wasn’t hung over in the traditional sense, no headache, I seemed to be properly hydrated, I was just very very sore. By the time I wrote that short journal entry around noon I realized that it was quite insane for me to be awake. I went back downstairs and crawled into bed, but Caligula wanted to walk all over the bed and meow, so rather than allowing him to wake up Michael I decided to go relax on the couch, Caligula followed me and we both slept there for a couple hours.

So yesterday was a slow, relaxing, achey day. We didn’t get anything acomplished since we didn’t actually get dressed until 5 pm. Around 7 we had some boca pizza and watched the first DVD of Firefly. It’s not a bad show, not something I’d watch looking for intellectual stimulation, and I don’t think I could have watched with with commercials, but for a night like last night where I just wanted to put myself on autopilot it was great.

Today, I’m still tired, but I really should do a bit of cleaning. It’s cold out (hovering around 30) so no plans for outside today. At 7 tonight Caligula gets to go to the vet again for a couple routine tests and the last of his vaccinations. Nita has some time off, so hopefully we’ll be able to get together sometime this week, I miss going out with her.

*Yawn* Must go do some cleaning now. *wanders off*

[1] Cheese ball snacks are evil, I always manage to convince myself that I don’t like them, but then I end up drunk at a party and I realize that as horribly fake as they are, they really aren’t bad.