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Yard work.

So my troubles were all Gentoo-specific. I guess I’m just used to the way Debian does things, and then crazy Gentoo does stuff and throws me off balance, often making me think it’s something *I* screwed up. Bleh. I feel better about computers now… bad moods suck.

Yesterday I did a lot with the veggie garden. It turned out to be a bigger job than I thought, and not just because I don’t have the proper tools for it. As I think I have mentioned in the past, the soil is VERY rocky, so I needed to dig up the soil, break it apart with a hand-held claw tool, and remove the bigger, troublesome rocks. So I spent a lot of time with that, and quickly realized that doing the whole garden (which is 16x21ft) would take DAYS. Do I really want a veggie garden this big? I don’t think I could maintain it this large! So I have decided to chop the garden a lot, it’ll be about 1/5 the size, about 16×4. To the right is the diagram of that. Above the dotted line is what I’ll be keeping, the rest we’ll have to plant grass on. It’ll take some work, since there are raspberry plants growing on the wrong end, and we’ll need to plant some grass, and move the plastic guards surrounding the garden. Oy, it’s going to take a while. A photo of the garden can be seen here, just keep in mind that it’s a bit decieving… it really is 16 ft by 21 ft %)

Last night Michael went out to get some gasoline for the lawn mower and after a long “I’ll mow it” “I’ll mow it” “No, I’LL MOW IT.” “Nope I’ll do it…” conversation, he finally conceded that I could do “part” of it while he’s at work. My argument was that he’s working all day and I am here at home so I can do yard work, his argument of course was that he’s the guy and he should take care of exhausting chores like mowing the lawn. Neither of us actually like mowing, and no, I won’t mow your lawn.

I got up this morning, and it was wet outside. Not just dew wet, but actual post-rain wet. Raurg. So I have waited around this morning to see if it would clear up, and it has, it’s quite warm out now. I’m going to go outside now and get started on mowing, with our brand new lawn mower, yay! And then later I’ll probably spend a bit of time working in my garden again.

*grabs handle of lawn mower and wanders off to back yard*