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The weekend.

On friday I managed to tackle the lawn. I had a bit of trouble starting the lawn mower, but then I thought “I spent all that time arguing that I’m not just a weak girl and I can mow the lawn myself, I’m not going to fail before I even get started!” So I eventually got it started. I feel really great now because it’s done, of course it’ll just need to be done again next week, sigh. I did manage to get a strange shape sunburn because of my inability to put suntan lotion on a small part of my back, and I didn’t realize it. Yay me.

I also spent a lot of time on my garden plot yesterday and friday. After mowing the lawn and working on garden plot I’m so tired and sore! I woke up this morning and really didn’t want to get out of bed, ouch ouch. Today I’m taking a day off of it all, and we’re going to take Michael’s mother out for dinner for Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day all! I am going to drop my mother an email in a moment, I don’t have her new phone number, so calling is pretty much out of the question.

We saw Lost In Translation last night. Bill Murray played a great mid-life crisis type man, and Scarlett Johansson played a very convincing 20-something girl lost. The soundtrack was great. Oh and I was quite pleased with the cinematography. So in all, I think I liked it.

Not much else going on, a couple Gentoo issues are still looming, I think I really just need to dive into some documentation and figure out everything that could be causing anything. I want my system to run perfectly dammit, no more errors! And I think that’s a reasonable request. Maybe tomorrow. *wanders off*