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Fixing and finishing things.

Yesterday ended up being quite productive.

After going through the config files that needed updating in gentoo, I realized that one of them was an alsa config, oops. So I replaced that with the new one and wandered around gentoo’s site to go through the configuring directions for alsa to get it back to a usable state. So now I have sound again, yay!

I also managed to stop that stupid weather epplet from starting up when I started enlightenment. Turns out it’s an epplet bug, and I needed to edit ~/.enlightenment/…e_session-XXXXXX.snapshots.0 while enlightenment *wasn’t* running to remove the exec command for it. Ugh.

I’m feeling better about gentoo now, I guess just getting myself to the point of getting my hands dirty with a new distro just takes a push sometimes (like something horrible like the sound breaking).

After playing with R2 to get these annoying things fixed, I went outside and was able to completely finish tilling the garden. It was a little after 5 pm when I finished tilling and the bugs were coming out, so I decided to head back inside and worry about putting the plastic guard around it today.

Yesterday evening heard the sad news that irc.scifi.com is dead.

In our continuing efforts to improve SCI FI.COM, we will be unveiling our new chat software in the near future. As part of this upgrade, our IRC chat rooms are no longer available. scifi.com

Now, I don’t chat on irc.scifi.com. It’s been nearly 2 years since I have regularly. When irc.clockbot.net (aliased to r2q5.xelium.net these days) linked up with irc.deep13.org (deep13.xelium.net) back in September of 2002 it was to leave behind the evil politics, uncontrolled script kiddies, and continual ircd crashes. Soon after leaving they stopped letting users create their own channels, and the whole place dwindled to about 70 users. Well I dropped by every so often, eventually all the people I cared about drifted to other servers or joined #13thHour. So it didn’t mean much to me anyway. Well now that it’s completely dead I can’t help feeling a bit sad. It was my first IRC server, I met so many people there, I met Michael there for the first time, , , , , , , , , , and countless other people who don’t have livejournals, madragoran, Aquarius, Obi-Wan-Rockstar, Rubicant, ShellGh0st, Syntopicon… the list goes on to many who don’t even drop by #13thHour anymore, so many people. And now an era has ended.

This morning I got up and decided I was going to set up ntpd on R2, so after a few tries I got that all working nicely, yay!

I actually went outside to start working on the garden today, and after just a few minutes I was sweating. Ok, none of that today. Apparently it’s up to 87 F (30.6 C) right now. Yuck.

So I’m going to poke around my system for more little things to fix, and probably go read for a bit. I hope tomorrow is nicer. *wanders off*