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Productive weekend.

This past weekend was exhaustingly productive.

We didn’t end up painting. It’s crazy how many little things need to be done before undertaking such a project, I keep finding more little spots that need spackling then I need to wait for it to dry, then sand it, respackle if needed. We just want to make it as close to perfect as possible so all this work doesn’t go to waste. We moved all our furniture out of that room and moved it into “Caligula’s Room,” which is nearly identical to ours, except the paint job is a bit nicer (we might do touchups later). Caligula seemed a bit miffed that we moved all his toys out of that room, and meowed at us a lot, but he seems fine with the arrangement now.

I got around to mowing the lawn on Saturday, got the front done and decided to wait on the back (which I finished this morning). The fishtank and all it’s parts that n-tropy gave to us is now taking up most of my kitchen, Michael’s been working on getting that spotless so we can put it in our livingroom. The ircd for xelium was upgraded on Saturday, and now we are the proud owners of odin.xelium.net, a new server, yay (so come by and see it)! It’s running great so far. While upgrading Michael took the opportunity to pull out the air conditioners and finally put those in our bedroom and this computer room. The temp got up over 90 this weekend, it was getting pretty miserable in here.

So it’s monday. Michael wasn’t feeling well last night, and slept badly, so he’s working from home today. Poor myn %( I think it’s just this sudden increase in heat, even with A/C in some rooms it’s difficult to do a lot of work in the house when it’s so hot, even I ended up with a headache for the better part of Saturday. I have lots to do, more sanding in the bedroom, need to put painters tape around the parts we don’t want paint on. I’m just taking a break now from the exhausting lawn mowing… and it’s air conditioned in this room, mmm.

*wanders off anyway*