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getting digital camera working in linux, caligula’s bath and rss feed.

Well I’d say that today was one of my most productive computer days in a while. I’ve been so caught up on spring cleaning and other projects lately. It feels really good.

Michael left me an email this morning telling me that he got the camera working in linux. Well damn, I really had meant to recompile my kernel and get that set up on my system. So I decided I’d do that this morning. I’d never recompiled my kernel in gentoo, and I quickly realized that my notes for doing it in debian would be somewhat useless. So I asked , who happened to be lurking in #13thHour at that time. He was very helpful so I was able to do things in the proper place (which is very simple actually, but I have a tendancy to make things complicated for myself by asking too many irrelavant questions). Michael helped me figure out the minimum I had to enable in my kernel (which was a bit different from his, since he has a USB mouse and keyboard, and I had absolutely no USB support). So I had to recompile about 4 times, but I finally got it working properly, installed gphoto2, recompiled my alsa module (yes, I know I should switch to 2.6…) and got everything working very nicely. I can now get photos off my camera in linux! No more going to icky windows, yay! It only took 2 hours.

Caligula got a bath last night. This is the second actual bath (more than just pulling him in the tub) that Michael has given him, and this time he wasn’t too horribly annoyed by it. He meowed, but actually walked around in the water on his own a little and decided it would be best if he didn’t try to tear Michael to pieces. After he got out of the tub I took some pictures, which I put on his website here. As I was updating his website I thought again about RSS feeds. Caligula’s site is a perfect place for me to play around with xml feeds! So I browsed some RSS feed creation tutorials, looked at the rss feed context of some rss feeds that are in my rss reader, and I ended up writing by hand a pretty basic feed. I might go further with it sometime in the future, but I’m happy with it the way it is. It’s located at: http://caligula.bevilacqua.us/rss.xml

*wanders off*