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nes emus, messy ~, fishes

I started playing around with NES emulators again the other day. The last time I did it was probably over a year ago, and I was using debian stable versions so I never found one that was good AND had sound. I was looking through portage though, and discovered TusNES which has been working pretty good so far. Yay for 8-bit!

Other than that I spent a lot of time yesterday cleaning up home directorys on boxes I rarely use. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I’m a complete slob when it comes to home directories, and I have yet to find a solution to this. I need to discipline myself more to put things in logical places, and actually delete things I don’t need (yay for being a packrat!). I still have the win98 install for win4lin in my home directory. Why? I don’t know! I should delete that right now! I need to get my backup scripts running again. We had nightly backups at the apartment, but then we moved here and I reinstalled my system (debian to gentoo) and I never got around to setting mine up again o_o.

I think I’m going to attempt an overhaul of princessleia.com again. I realized that I spend way too much time worrying about the implementation of a new design, and whether it will suck or not, that I don’t get to try new fun things, AND I get stuck with a design that I’m really sick of. So I just need to stop being so weird about it.

Last night we had some yummie Indian food, then went out to the local pet store to pick up some cat food and look at some fish. I’m not sure if I want to get lots of little fish or one big fish. The fish that most caught my interest were the Oscars, so this morning I did a bit of research online and found so many varied claims as to tank size, companionship and care that I’m a bit frustrated. One claims you must have at least a 40 gallons of water per Oscar, another says 50-80, one says they like living in schools of 6, one says they are best living alone. I’ll have to keep looking, the tank is 50 gallons and I want to make sure it’s big enough for whatever we choose to get. Anyone have any fish recommendations? %)

We don’t have plans today, and that’s perfectly fine, there are things around the house we want to get done. *wanders off*