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A very long day, UT, meeting online friends, irc server demise

*Takes a deep breath* Yesterday was quite a day. Everything I have to say is important, so I’ll just take it chronologically.

I was going through email on Tuesday, and rediscovered an email sent to me about 3 weeks ago with instructions on how to install UT GOTY Edition in Redhat and Slackware. That made me decide to update my Installing Unreal Tournament GOTY Edition In Linux How-To. I put his stuff on an additional page, and that inspired me to look into installing it in gentoo. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it was very simple to do in Gentoo, the installer is in emerge, the umodpacks are in emerge! All you need to do is unmask a couple UT packages, emerge, and follow the simple directions (put in cd, mount drive, etc). But just for consistancy I wrote up some directions and put them up on the site. I love Gentoo!

Unfortunately I was in a terrible mood most of the day yesterday. Not really depressed just… feeling upset. It was a lot of things that got to me, and I’m sure recieving the big bill from my emergency room visit didn’t help any. It’s great how the medical community rapes people who lack medical insurance.

By the time Michael got home I had managed to improve my mood a bit. I read for a bit, and a little after 7 we ordered a couple pizzas and waited for , (Vehicle00), and (Kati) to show up. They arrived around 7:30. The plan was for Michael to install Gentoo on Vehicle’s box. Kati brought some knitting because the guys thought it would be great for us to knit together (or something?). I must admit that some of my bad mood all day was due to this, I am really a beginner at knitting and I was afraid that Kati was some master knitter, and I am often crazy-shy around people I don’t know. I ended up deciding that I’d just tell her right off that I was lousy at knitting and hadn’t done it in 6 months. To my surprise this was the perfect approach, apparently she’s something of a beginner too! She was worried about the same thing I was. We really didn’t have trouble talking (except maybe I laughed too much, damn nervous habits!). She’s a really great person, I was happy with how nicely we got along. I spent a lot of time talking with Vehicle too, he’s cool in real life %) escapenguin was definately the person I saw the least, since he was mostly hanging out with Michael (“Probably telling geeky shell jokes,” Vehicle speculated). But everyone enjoyed playing with Caligula, who is doing much better, and I was thrilled to see him running around and jumping again.

Time, pleia2, Vehicle00, escapenguin, kati
Time, pleia2, Vehicle00, escapenguin, Kati

The evening was long, more work on Vehicle’s system needed to be done than Michael previously thought, so it was around midnight when we were all saying “oh crap it’s late” and decided that they’d head home and Michael would drop off the computer sometime later this week when it was finished.

Sometime during the night Xelium got attacked. Not too sure exactly how it happened, but we decided to shut down R2Q5. To be honest I’m a bit relieved, there are too many risks with running an IRC server these days, and I have so many other projects to work on, I don’t need to be worrying about a silly server. Being an all-powerful IRCop really isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Besides, it’s great to have r2q5 back home with us, if Time doesn’t have other plans for it I might be able to use it as a fun testing box! What does bother me (and seriously pisses me off) is that people attack
IRC servers in the first place. It’s really fucking lame.

R2Q5 is home now.

And just in case you’re worried, #13thHour is fine, it’s still on the Xelium network. Rather than connecting directly to r2q5.xelium.net (or irc.clockbot.net or clockbot.xelium.net) you will have to connect via either: fire.xelium.net or odin.xelium.net We’ll have irc.xelium.net working properly again once the DNS pool is updated to reflect the servers still on the network.

*wanders off*