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When we first got Munch he had a rough couple of weeks. During these weeks he didn’t eat too much and I started to get worried. I did some searches online to find out the cause, and all I could find relating to them eating was to be careful not to overfeed them, because they love to beg. Well this certainly wasn’t my Oscar! I even put off the development of a little website for him because I was worried he wouldn’t make it.

Well I have some good news, he seems to be doing fine now! I fed him a bit in the middle of the day yesterday because he looked hungry, and today every time I walk past the tank he’s begging, just like a regular little Oscar! Yay Munch!

Caligula is doing much better too. He seems to have completely recovered from his surgery, his cold has cleared up, and from the way he’s been eating I’m quite sure that his teeth aren’t bothering him much anymore. He’s back to his old self again, even if he still is a bit annoyed with me because I have to give him liquid antibiotics until they are completely gone, and he hates that. He helped with laundry yesterday, tried to attack me to get some of my lunch this afternoon, and is sleeping on my lap right now so I don’t think he holds too much of a grudge anymore.

I’m glad this week is over. Going to make spaghetti for dinner now *wanders off*