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Gardening, FIsh, IRC, and Books.

It was a pretty typical Sunday. I did some work in my veggie garden and it seems the only things that are growing are the cucumbers and green beans, and they are growing all over the place, hee. Still no veggies yet, but I still need to wait a couple weeks. I hopped online a few times to figure out exactly what everything was (“oh good cucumbers DO have yellow flowers!”). I still didn’t have a ton of luck identifying everything, so I cleaned out everything I knew was weeds, and left some of the other stuff, I’ll see how it all grows and I’ll be much more prepared for next year.

I actually did significant work on Munch’s webpage. It’s really just a small page, but I kept changing the layout because I wasn’t happy, then needed to look for content and take some photos. I will share when I’m done and it’s set up on it’s nice little subdomain. While I was looking around for random Oscar information I came across a website about them that a woman in the Philly area made, and she had a couple stories about going into Wal-Mart stores and being horrified by how they kept their fish. I don’t really recall the fish department there so I started doing some searches and it seems that Wal-Mart has this horrible horrible reputation for caring for their live animals! Now I dislike Wal-Mart anyway, for several reasons, but neglecting animals is just not cool. So Wal-Mart now is officially on the “stores I hate” list.

I wasn’t really on IRC much today until this evening, just because I was doing all sorts of research online (and I get distracted by things that interest me on website often and end up looking at supernovas when I plan on searching for green beans). But one of the server owners on Xelium left me a message asking if I was interested in becoming an oper again. They told me that they had considered adding all of us from R2Q5 back, but figured that Michael was too busy (which is true) and our other two opers never were too involved in the first place (madragoran has work and his own server to oper on, and somewhat surprisingly Peacimowen is just too busy). So I figured I’ll probably accept. Being a normal oper is definately less work than being a server owner, no worrying about configs, no need to help write up regexs to ban certain scripts, and best of all, no worrying about having to deal with ddos attacks, that’s the owner’s job!

I finished The Secret of Life today, great book, perfect ending. And finally finished The Metaphysical Club (and loaned it to Vehicle00) the other day. I’ll definately have to read it again after I do a bit more research into the people involved with 19th century philosophy. I was able to keep up with the civil war ideas, and the science ideas, but philosphy, gosh I hardly knew anything about Holmes and Dewey, or Pierce or James. I’m sure I would enjoy the book much more if I had bit more background, it was just too much information too quickly for me to swallow, even though it took me over a month to read the book (nearly all of which was wading through 19th century philosophy).

I’m going to go get sleepy now. *wanders off*