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If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

It’s been very stormy this week. On Tuesday we got a thunderstorm so bad that there was a river in my yard. Last night we had nice size hail and decided to cancel going to Delaware to hang out with John because it was just too nasty out.

Last night we also learned that our roof leaks.

In five places.


It could be much worse, we’re hopeful that some sealent we picked up last night will do the trick, as the shingles are pretty new (the outside of the roof was redone in 2000, obviously badly). But we really didn’t need this. It’s like each time I’m getting close to being comfortable with everything fixed and working nicely something new goes wrong! It can be very frustrating and depressing.

Today I let it get to me, I think I just needed a good long cry, then a meditation session. It’s healthy just letting all stress out with a few dozen tears from time to time, and these sorts of intense depressed moods always have me coming out feeling much better and determined to fix things in my life that I DO have control over.

This past winter was a bit depressing (for a variety of reasons), and I picked up a whole host of bad habits. I eating chocolate and a lot of snuggling in blankets and reading when I got depressed. This is bad! I put on 6 pounds this past winter, and I’m not happy about it. I haven’t fully recovered from this slip into bad depressive habits, I need to keep working toward being a healthy self again. I need to start exercising more, I need to eat better, I need to get more into gardening. And I definately need to use my time more wisely, perhaps have plans for each day and what I want to acomplish, that way I have a goal to work towards.

I’m seriously thinking about getting a part time job, any job. The company I do contract work for hasn’t called me in over a month, so although Michael assures me he’s very happy with me playing “housewife” for now, I always feel guilty when I say we can’t afford something. Since I don’t have a car and there isn’t public transportation I’ll need to find some place in town to work. On monday I’ll take a walk into town and fill out some applications.

Bleh. I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow, I don’t need any sympathy, just some time to look at what I’m doing with my life and reflect.

*wanders off*