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Caligula and Cargo Kitties

Michael brought Cargo Kitty home from work yesterday. I’ve only introduced cats to each other a few times in my life, and it was always with very quick, positive results. When I was young our cats Garfield (neutered, about 1 year old) and Night (a young unneutered kitten) were buddies after a single evening together, without *too* much growling and hissing.

I probably should have expected a worse time with two young male neutered cats (Cargo is 1.5 years old, Caligula is 7 months), especially since the younger of the two is the one whose house this is.

Cargo was let into the house for a couple minutes to sniff around, then Caligula and I came downstairs. Then they saw each other! I had never seen Caligula so fluffed up in my life, then he made very weird “wop wop wop” meow noises that were just so funny. Eventually Cargo ran off and hid in a window sill, but when we approached him he hissed at US. Caligula was calmed down a bit and was never agressive toward us like Cargo was being. The rest of the evening was spent with them hiding from each other, then Cargo coming down and Caligula chasing him around the house. They still hadn’t stopped growling and hissing at each other when I wanted to go to sleep last night, so I brought Caligula in our bedroom to sleep with us.

And now it’s another day and they’re still being brats. I did a quick search online and most of what I’ve read stresses “Take your time” … which isn’t really possible when Cargo just stays for a weekend! All we can really do is wait, give them both lots of attention, and see how they do. I’m hopeful that even if they don’t end up getting along this weekend, at least they won’t hurt each other. And we don’t have anywhere to go this weekend, so it’s not going to be difficult to keep an eye on them.

Silly kitties!

*wanders off*