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Lilo bitmap image!

Unfortunately I spent a better part of the day doing it. The biggest problem I had was figuring out how many colors you really could reasonably use (16) and what colors you could use for the text. Eventually I found these out and didn’t have any trouble throwing together a boot page:

pleia2's lilo boot screen

Someday when I’m feeling creative I’ll make a better one.

But I did have the time to write up a how to, to explain how I did this!

Installing a Custom Lilo (Bootsplash) Bitmap Image

BTW: If you feel this intense need to comment and tell me all about the wonders of grub, save your time. Really, I was all excited about this and everywhere looked I had clowns telling me to use grub. I use lilo, the end.

While I was at it I also took a picture of the custom bios screen (this is an option on my Asus p4s8x motherboard), you can see it here.

Didn’t do much else today, never even bothered to turn on IM. I wasn’t feeling so great, and a sore throat I had last night has carried into today.

I think I’ll make rice and veggies and biscuits for dinner.

*wanders off*