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Hanging out with mj.

Last night we ended up going over to ‘s place to hang out for a bit. The only time we’ve been seeing him in the recent past is at philly-chix meetings because he drove his former girlfriend to them. Now that she’s moved to Ohio we had no excuses to visit! So we just made up one. I made brownies, and mj had beer and pizza. Besides I had never seen the inside of his place.

We got there a little bit before 7, I took mapquest’s directions which took us through downtown Norristown, oops (on the way back we made sure to take Germantown Pike, much easier!). I got to meet mj’s cat Boots, she’s so cute and loving %) He also showed us the MythTV box that he’s putting together, it was pretty cool, now I want one %) We had yummie pizza and great beer and brownies that I added too much water to when I was making them (doh! Fine introduction to my cooking! They were ok though). Talked for a while, and had a really nice time. We need to just “hang out” with friends more often.

It’s been a hot yucky day today. I hate hot days.

*hides in the air conditioned rooms*