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Tortilla success and cleaning out the rusty barrel (with pictures!)

Yesterday was not such a good day. Lots of things went wrong and made me feel like an idiot. I thought about posting but it would have just been a miserable, sarcastic rant about how stupid I am.

So as the crappy day wound down I thought I’d do some cooking, and hope I didn’t screw that up too badly. I searched around for some new tortilla recipes to get a good idea how much I should add to the ones I wanted to make, since the last time they turned out way too dry.

I was very very happy when my tortillas turned out amazingly good! Crazy what a little more water added will do ;) I was so pround that I took a picture. And to think I’ve been buying ones from the store all this time! Nasty ones that have stuff like lard in them, homemade are better and cheaper (even if they take some effort).

So that cheered me up, and then the weather turned cooler, so I was in a much better mood all evening, yay!

This morning was good, and refreshingly cool. I spent some time working with the manLinux.com guys to get things going with their site (the domain is new, but group has been around for a little while). It’s a fun documentation project that I can exercise my mad documentation skillz on and actually have people read them. I’ve been able to recruit a few friends to the project too, so I have people to work with. Still recruiting by the way, so if you’re interested just let me know.

Since it was so nice out I decided to finally deal with the big rusty barrel that’s in my back yard. I have a lovely back yard but there is no ignoring the big rusty barrel that the previous homeowners used for burning things. Inside there were all sorts of wires and junk, and as much as I hated this ugly barrel in my nice yard, I kept making excuses not to deal with it.

I ended up taking a trash barrel and it’s lid so I could dump the barrel over and go through the junk inside. I couldn’t just throw it all away (too much) and I couldn’t toss it all in the back (too much metal, plastic and glass). So I started sorting it out, throwing the dirt and ash in the leave pile out back and putting the other junk in the trash. Apparently I’ve watched too much CourtTV, because I half expected to find a body at the bottom of the barrel, but I had no such luck. I obviously amused myself by taking pictures of this ordeal. I even had a neighborhood cat drop by to be my audience (this is the cat I call Caligula’s girlfriend, because it’s the first “wild” cat he met, and is always hanging around (I took this just yesterday) and making Caligula get all puffy tailed). So I spent a couple hours with this lovely barrel, it wasn’t much fun, but once I was finally done and dragged it over to the garage I felt much better. Of course the batteries in the camera were also dying (I take so many pictures these days) so I decided I’d wait until I had the yard properly cleaned up (weeds that had grown around barrel taken away, rocks that “decorated” area round barrel removed) before I take a final lovely picture of my back yard.

That’s about it. Michael’s working late tonight so I think we’ll order a pizza tonight, mmm pizza, maybe even some soda (which we recently removed from normal our “at home” diet).

*wanders off*