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Change of diet and my silly laptop.

I haven’t really been in the mood to post lately. Not much to say really.

We recently changed our diet a bit. As I’ve probably mentioned, this past winter was a bit rough for me, just stressful with so many changes going on, buying the new house and all. I got into bad eating habits, too much chocolate in an attempt to counter my lousy mood, not being active enough because I felt down. Over 5 months I put on about 6 pounds, and I felt really crappy about it.

So a few weeks ago we began changing our diet. No more soda, no more fruit juice, no more daily desserts. Cutting back on processed foods, and learning how to cook.

I’m already finding that I feel much better about myself, and I’m enjoying food much more again. It feels great to sit down to a taco dinner with yummie tortillas that I just made, that don’t contain lard or any other scary things that were in the packaged ones we used to get. Making the switch to drinking only coffee, tea, milk and water has been much easier than I had expected, but then again I do love water more than the average person. The loss of chocolate has been a bit harder, so I have ended up buying a couple brownie mixes since we started this %) But even these brownie mixes are better for me than buying the (amazing but so very-bad-for-me) brownies from the local grocery store bakery.

As for my laptop. Well, the NIC worked in windows until we did a windows update, HAHAHA. So this weekend Michael decided to try Fedora Core 3 with 2.6.7 kernel on it to see if it’d work “out of the box” and skip lots of headaches. No such luck. On monday I did some work on it with the help of a friend of mine to weed out all the possible trouble, and learned that the driver is broken in 2.6.7 and the kernel would need to be patched. But then Fedora got all weird on me and wouldn’t let me recompile the kernel (some gcc bug which is apparently fixed with gcc upgrade, HAH). So I pretty much gave up on Fedora. I tried to boot it up today to see if I could at least grab a few things off it, like my .config, but it kernel panicked on bootup. Which is very annoying because I wasn’t even able to touch the kernel yesterday, didnt touch anything in /boot and I really don’t think I did anything traumatic to it…

I think I’ll grab Michael’s help to install Gentoo (stage 3) on it, with a patched 2.6.7 kernel. Maybe maybe maybe this laptop will someday have wireless!

I’m still kicking myself for not doing more research into chipsets it might use before buying it. Sigh.