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Job hunting, friends, and my kitty.

Some days when looking for a job seem horribly dismal and depressing.

Some days when looking for a job are kickass and happy.

I’ve had far too much of the former, but yesterday I had my first of the latter, and that put me in a really good mood. Of course I still don’t have a job, but my outlook is a bit brighter than it was before.

Late in the afternoon I was talking to Baerana (b2s‘s significant other) in IRC and she asked me if Michael and I wanted to come over for dinner to eat Chili. Chili has beef in it %( I politely declined, but was disappointed, so I mentioned it to Time. “Can we BYOF?” he said. Excellent idea! So I offered to bring some tacos (w/ homemade tortillas), and we planned to meet around 6 at their place in Media. I’d met b2s before, but it was a first for meeting Baerana, she’s great! I’ll have to find some way to convince her to come to a philly chix meeting sometime, since she has super linux brains. And we also got to meet Nibbler Bunny!He’s so adorable %) I love rabbits, and he’s a nice one, and he’s a houserabbit so they let him run around everywhere.

We had a really nice night, and they fed us ice cream and cookies. Yay!

Today I spent most of the day cleaning. I did my bi-yearly washing of the comforters too, they were so covered in cat fur! Caligula doesnt shed much, but when he does it’s often when he’s snuggled with us in bed. I was so happy to pull it out of the dryer all fur-free. I put folded it up and put it on the bed and went to do other things. I came back about an hour later to put the clean sheets on the bed and I saw this:

Caligula on my clean comforter

He’s lucky he’s cute. Couldn’t he at least wait until I had finished making the bed? %) Cats!

I installed gimp2 from unstable the other day. It’s pretty nice. Very clean looking, and when you write text on an image it actually writes it *on the image* so you don’t need to figure out sizing and then put it on the image. Also, the antialiasing of the fonts is so much better, no more clunkly looking fonts on my images.

My laptop is doing good. Today I fixed the resolution, so now it’s 16 bit and running at 1024×768, woo! Michael discovered that there is a neomagic driver out now, which allows for this better performance, back when I was running Debian it was running with 8bit graphics and only 800×600. *Pats laptop* this laptop is such a pain, but some days it does it’s job properly.

We’re heading over to ‘s now for pizza and movie night, woo!

*wanders off*