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Misc stuff and Jeff Greinke concert!

Saturday was a good day.

I finally got around to setting up the java chat option for xelium, and pulled together some php to make a simple nickname login so it doesn’t just assign an Anon nickname.

A little after 4:30 we headed out, I needed to swing by the temp agency to drop off my timesheet and pick up a few things, then I wanted to go to the Sprint Store in Montgomeryville to look at cellphones. We figure it’d be good for me to have a cellphone now that I’ll be away from the house more often and needing to coordinate when and where I need Michael to pick me up after work.

So we drove to Lansdale and hit some traffic. I hate Lansdale, but today it seems that they were holding Lansdale Bike Night 2004, and most of Mainstreet was closed, including the stretch where I needed to go. Arg! Scratch that idea.

We headed to the Sprint Store. Parked, walked to the door at 6:01. They closed at 6. Damn it! I might just order the silly phone online, I don’t care much what it looks like, I just though it’d be need to hold before I buy/order.

From there we drove to Philadelphia, for the Jeff Greinke Gatherings Concert.

We got into the city around 7, the place was swarming with college students. We stopped at The Last Word bookshop and picked up a couple books, browsed for a bit. Then we went over to St. Mary’s for the concert.

I really wasn’t sure what to expect, I’m not familiar with Jeff Greinke‘s work. We picked up a copy of Lost Terrain on our way in, and got comfy in the pews (which is possible if you bring a big pillow). They turned off the lights and the concert began a little after 8.

What a great concert it was! (now forgive me if I butcher ambient termonology here) It was really all across the ambient spectrum that I’m familiar with. Some quiet landscape stuff. Some weird sound stuff… including a couple pieces with a Trombone! There were some dark ambient pieces which I really really enjoyed, I was able to close my eyes and play Alice in my own dark wonderland while the real world melted away. Mmmm, I had a very nice time.

Today I have plans to go out with my friend Nita, yay!