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life and laptops and fishes and food

The week goes by quicker when I’m working. Each day flies by, before I know it it’s time to go home and I only have a few hours of “playtime” before it’s time to sleep and work again.

I know, welcome to reality, I’ve been spoiled for too long %)

Star Wars came out on DVD yesterday, I am quite torn between wanting my beloved Star Wars on DVD, and dreading how Lucas butchered it this time. Besides, I’ve already bought the stupid trilogy 3 times (on CED, regular edition on VHS, special edition of VHS). Damn that Lucas, I know I’ll end up asking for the trilogy for my birthday (which is in a week, the 29th, start saving up for gifts now).

My laptop won’t boot. I think the trouble was that the pcmcia slot is msotly shot, so I needed to wiggle around the card when I booted it for it to finally get connected properly and get a signal. That wiggling around sent a bunch of junk to the kernel, which made the laptop reboot itself. After the reboot it’d work fine, no wiggling needed, but I can’t imagine the machine shutting itself down randomly like that was good for even reiserfs. So now it’s all broken and not booting and I don’t want to fix it, I don’t want Michael to fix it either. We’ve wasted so much time on that thing.

I’m looking into getting a replacement laptop for Christmas, not completely sure what route to take with it though. Refurbished from IBM? New from Apple? Some other option? I have a few months to think about it.

Late last week we got up in the morning and noticed that Munch had a swollen eye. Having read some about fish and the common infections and diseases that are common among cichlids I suspected it was Pop Eye, and from everything I found online it seems my suspicions are correct. Poor Munch! To fix it we need to do more frequent water changes, and we bought some medication to put in the water.

We hung out with some friends this weekend, and then on Sunday did some shopping for food, ended up at our favorite Whole Foods market buying some delicious carrot cake and swordfish, mmmm. I’m still thinking of the yummie garlic swordfish because it was so tastey.

Sheesh, I’m a bit sleepy already.

*finishes up last piece of carrot cake and wanders off*