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Shaun the sheep

I changed my registrar for wallaceandgromit.net from gandi.net to godaddy.com this past weekend. I really loved gandi, their clean interface, unintrusive notification emails, it was a great registrar to work with, but since the exchange rates for dollar to euro started going up it’s just become too expensive. It cost me almost $15/year when I renewed princessleia.com earlier this year. Godaddy has lots of ads, and the process of clicking through to change to them was full of distractions (no, I don’t want hosting, or parking, or forwarding, or your stupid spammy newsletters or special deals!). But they’re cheap, and they have a good reputation.

So both princessleia.com and wallaceandgromit.net are registered until 2006.

Now, I since I have a whole domain devoted to Wallace and Gromit, I don’t tend to mention news I post there here, but this is so cool, Shaun is getting his own 40 part children’s television program on Childrens BBC!

Shaun TV Show

It’s going to be done by Aardman, so claymation! YAYAY! Too bad I live in the US, and the first isn’t being released until 2006. I’m just hopeful that someday they’ll release the series on region 1 DVD. Maybe if the Wallace and Gromit movie is really successful they’ll be more motivated to bring more Aardman stuff to the states.

Now I’m going to go snuggle in my comfy bed with a glass of milk.