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Music that makes me ears bleed… and our 3 year anniversary is tomorrow!

I wish I had a time machine. Not to do anything profound, but so I could go back in time and kill Joan Osborne before recording that horrible “One of Us” song.

I never much liked the song, and I remember the Baptist church that my mother dragged us to tore the song apart when it was popular. I didn’t want to agree with the church about rock music being evil (I was giving christianity a chance at this point), if only because that’s what I listened to and I liked it, but I agreed that the Joan Osborne song was crap. My only consolation was that it was a stupid pop song and it’d go away soon.

And it did, until I started working at this temp job. My co-workers are a group of women whose mean age is about 30, and they listen to this “mix” station that plays soft rock. At first I didn’t mind so much, but then I noticed they played the some songs that I found particularly annoying EVERY SINGLE DAY. “One of Us” is one of them.

So is “Hero” by Enrique Iglesias, which is so horrible that I thought it was a spoof song at first. And Sheryl Crow’s “Soak Up the Sun” … DIEDIEDIE! Outkast’s “Hey Ya” is another horrible one, which apparently won awards? I can’t see how.

Other than that, work is fine. Today was particularly busy because a woman called in sick, but busy is good. I’m just glad to be home to my music collection. *relaxes to some Jonn Serrie*

Unfortuately Michael isn’t here. He picked me up from work, we went grocery shopping, came home and ate dinner, and now he’s back at work. This working so much sucks, but the end result will be him having the ability to mostly work from home, which will be cool.

Hopefully he won’t have to work late tomorrow. Tomorrow is our 3 year anniversary, yay!

Now I’m going to go downstairs and make myself some hot chocolate and have a brownie while watching History Detectives. *glee*