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Anniversary and Birthday dinners

Now to move along with talking about how great parts of my week were.

On Tuesday morning I drove myself into work. Michael had worked until 5:30am, so at 7:30 he wasn’t in the best shape to drive me in. Later that day I brought the car home, then went back to work. Michael picked me up around 4:30 as usual, and it was decided that we’d go out for dinner, because it was our 3 year anniversary and all. It was raining out pretty heavily, leftovers from hurricane Jeanne, but rain is nice.

Michael suggested the Woodside Inn, which we’d never been to, but it’s about a mile from our house and always looked enticing. I couldn’t find much about it online (all places on the planet should have a website dammit!). But we decided to check it out anyway. It’s a really big old farmhouse-looking place, and the staff is very friendly, the whole place feels comfortable, while preserving professionalism. It had an adequate salad bar, and the dinners we ordered were good. Then the dessert, oh the dessert. They change their available desserts often, so I was delighted (and torn!) to learn they had both chocolate and carrot cake! I ordered the chocolate and Michael ordered the carrot. This cake was amazing. The chocolate had the perfect balance of sweet and bitterness, so it wasn’t too rich, and wasn’t too sugary sweet. It’s definately in the top 5 chocolate cakes I’ve ever had, and I might go as far as to say it’s number 1. The carrot cake had the interesting quality of using coconut rather than walnuts, oh wow! I’m not a huge fan of walnuts, but i love carrot cake so I generally tolerate them, but with coconut… yum yum! Best of all, they sell whole cakes when you special order them, yay!

It really was good cake.

Wednesday was my birthday of course (thanks to everyone who commented, that was great to come home to!). I had mentioned my upcoming birthday to my co-workers, because I found out long ago that nothing good comes from hiding it, and I do so love birthdays. I didn’t think they’d do anything, since I’m only a temp (I’d been there about 3 weeks), but boy was I surprised! Around 10 am, the supervisors walked into the office with TWO cakes! One even said “Happy Birthday Elizabeth” on it! And they all signed a card for me, and got me a candle and little birthday plant as gifts. How lovely! I was pretty shocked and happy by all this. Yay %)! At the end of the day I had 2/3 of a cake to bring home, yay more cake.

Michael picked me up around 4:30 and we headed into Jenkintown (which took forever, stupid Philly traffic) to go to Hibachi (no website for them either, sheesh), which is our favorite sushi bar (and steakhouse of course). Yay sushi for my birthday dinner! The fish was wonderful as usual, nice and fresh and tastey. Had a Sapporo too, which is always a nice compliment to the meal. After dinner Michael took me out to Barnes & Noble so we could pick up the Star Wars Trilogy on DVD (yay!) and while we were there I also got THX 1138. It was such a great night.

A great couple of days!

Yesterday I only worked until 3 (Fridays are short days), and Michael picked me up and brought me back to his office. They have been moving to a smaller office, since their staff has shrunk a bit and they want to start doing the telecommuting thing more. Because of the move, they’re selling a bunch of extra furniture, including a couple chairs that should go nicely in our spare bedroom, a bunch of tables and things, we grabbed a nice side table, and a display/bookcase that we’ll be putting up here in our computer room. And best of all they’re selling it all to us for pretty cheap %)

This weekend I’m not sure what we’re doing. A couple friends suggested going to see Sky Captain, but we seem to be playing IRC tag and haven’t made real plans yet. And Michael’s mother wants to meet up sometime so she can give me my birthday present (which Michael says is good but won’t give me any clues). Oh and I need to do some cleaning, bleh.

*wanders off*