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Computers, books and fishes

My system is getting to a usable state again! Tonight I got alsa working. I seriously need a crash course in kernels and modules, it can’t be as complicated as I seem to make it out to be in my head, and yet just when I think I have something figured out I’m thrown a curve ball and things don’t work anywhere close to the way I expected.

I spent the better part of the evening reconstructing our budget from a 2 month old backup. Ugh, what a pain that was. Never again! I am going to make sure to keep recent backups of that silly file.

I definately missed my computer, but I got a lot of reading done in the week without it. Read through Linux For Non-Geeks, which I mentioned in another entry. I read Succeeding With Open Source, which was an interesting guide to evaluating the maturity of Open Source projects, with a focus on implementation in business. I read parts of, and scanned through other bits of Open Source Licensing, an impressively interesting look at the legal aspects of Open Source, written in a knowledgable, yet down-to-earth way that interested me, but definately not a book you can just sit down and read (at least I can’t). During the failed Philly Chix meeting I started reading The Cathedral and the Bazaar, which is a classic of course, and gave me some interesting things to ponder about the Open Source world. And just for some variety, I *finally* finished Gulag: A History, I’d been working on this book for a few months because it was pretty tough to get through, and quite repeditive (because the history, not some fault of the author).

Now that my system is back up I need to think of a nice big project to work on. Perhaps a Perl project of some sort, my Perl skills are getting rusty, and since I never was very good at Perl anyway, that’s a horrible thing. I wish there was more time in a day %)

Oh, I took a picture of our new little algae eater, that we purchased because the empty fishtank was depressing:

Algae Eater

It doesn’t have a name, probably won’t have a name. But we joke that he’s like the Cleaner on Black Books.

I’m tired now. Tomorrow is Friday yay!