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Feeling lousy and PDA shopping.

I haven’t been feeling very “me” lately.

It’s probably because this month has just been lousy. When things get lousy I get lazy and eat food that’s bad for me, I stop doing things I enjoy and end up sleeping and watching TV. Although these things feel right at the time, they end up just making me feel more lousy in the end. When I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago I learned I had put on 6 pounds. That’s no good.

Now I have a week off of work, I hope that I can fix myself in that time, and maybe this cold will finally go away!

Enough depressing stuff.

Tonight we’re going to Michael’s grandparent’s place for the traditional italian seven fish on Christmas Eve dinner. Mmmm seven fishes.

I love Christmastime, and it’s the first Christmas in our new house! The first Christmas with little Caligula!

So I’m thinking about what I want for Christmas. It may seem late for that, but since we don’t actually celebrate Christmas as Christmas, why be on time? It’s just an excuse to buy a new toy. After talking to a friend of mine who recently got a palm I remembered… hey I want a PDA that reads digital books! So that is now my quest, to find a good one for under $200. I don’t need all sorts of bells and whisles, just the ability to hold a few books in text format, decent battery life, and I’d appreciate the ability to sync it up with linux (although having to boot into Windows wouldn’t be the end of the world). And I want to buy new, none of this ebay stuff, I don’t have time to deal with problems that might arise from such a purchase.

Any suggestions?