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2004, Caligula is so pretty, and plans for today

I feel as thought the quality of my blog has gone down. I don’t have as much time for it as I used to, so when I sit down my thoughts tend to pour out in a jumbled mess. This jumbled mess isn’t helping my writing skills any. I think I am going to try to take more time and put more thought into these entries from now on.

I am excited about the new year starting.

This past year has had a lot of wonderful things happen, we bought a house, got a lovely cat, I started working again, we’ve met some new interesting people. My life rocks %)

But it’s also been difficult at times. With a new house there are all sorts of stressful problems have occurred, and unexpected expenses. Then I’ve had to watch my father’s health deteriorate, and my sister get into all sorts of trouble with the law. I watched my other sister start failing in college and then be force to take time off because of my father’s illness, I watched my mother’s marriage fall apart and the subsequent mess after that. Then last month I had to see my father withering away in a hospital bed, and this month I had to deal with his passing.

The end of this year has really got me down, and it’s not been so easy keeping myself from being depressed. But I’ve had some long conversations this week, and worked through some of the difficult things.

I’m feeling MUCH better now %)

I was going through some old journal entries today, and discovered this one. It’s when I had finally decided on the breed for our new kitten. When I saw this entry I was especially struck by the picture of the Mau I had posted. It’s a photo of an award-winning smoke colored mau, and he is nearly identical to Caligula. I’ve seen lots of pictures of adult smoke Maus, they come in a variety of shades and markings, so finding one so similar to my kitty is amusing. It made me think back to when we bought him, the breeder had mentioned that they considered selling him to someone who would show him because she believed he had that potential with his well defined spots and nice coloring. I assumed she told this to everyone %) </bragging-about-caligula>

Today we’re planning on going to Media to meet up with some friends. A new used bookstore opened up near them, and they are making some of their much talked about chili. Now that we’re eating beef again I can enjoy it! Since we’re supposed leave around 1 I should probably go get showered…

*wanders off*