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Orbach, books, and computers

We got into the car yesterday afternoon to go to our friends house, turned on NPR and got going. We happened to turn it on in the middle of this report “‘Law and Order’ Star Jerry Orbach Dies”. Because it was the middle of the report, we didn’t realize what the point of it was, and were all “yeah Jerry Orbach is the man!”, while they went through his list of acomplishments in his life. Then it came “Jerry Orbach Died tuesday night of prostate cancer at the age of 69.” BUH WHAT!? I had no idea he was sick. He’s one of my favorite actors %( RIP Jerry Orbach.

We finally arrived at our friend’s place around 3, and then decided to walk to the used bookstore (only about 6 blocks away, and it was beautiful out).

The used bookstore was so much better than I expected. Every single book in the shop (hardcover, soft, originally expensive, cheap…) was $2. And they had a good scifi section! I was able to pick up every one of Robert Asprin’s Mything series that I didn’t have (a wonderful, punny series btw). I also picked up Living with Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, which I’ve finished already (and will write a review of). And The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck, which has been recommended to me by about half a dozen people. I got my hands on a nice hardcopy of Great Expectations to replace my worn, falling apart, held together with packing tape copy. Also a few other books, some scifi, one about fish. I love used bookstores! We picked up two bags of books for under $30 %)

Too bad that bookstore is an hour from our house, good thing we have friends down there who give us a good reason for driving an hour to see a bookstore. I just hope they stay in business.

After the bookshop we went back to our friend’s house and had some delicious chili. It was more meaty than I expected, but I eat meat now, it’s all good %) Oh yes.. it was good. I helped myself to two bowls of it.

Today Michael got his new laptop (and I won’t steal is thunder by saying anything more about it). Because he’ll be using it as his primary workstation from now on we decided to move our computers around a bit. I get Michael’s Dell (named hour, with 2 gigs of ram, 160 gigs of harddrive space! But otherwise identical to my system), and my system will spend most of it’s time in our TV room. We figure we’ll be putting MythTV on it, and using the SoundBlaster Live front plate and remote, we’ll be able to easily watch digital movies in the TV room without hauling one of our systems down there %D It’s a bit big for just that role, but this way it’s still a working, useful PC, and we can still bring it to LAN parties and each have a system there %)

I’m very happy about this arrangement. I spent the afternoon cleaning up my home directory on R2D2 and moving it over to the Dell, then moving them around the computer room. *pats hour*

Now I’m going to go make some dinner.