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Kill Bill, fish, catster, wallace and gromit, Caligula….

So I finally say Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2. They were fun to watch, definately Tarantino movies though, which makes them hard for me to rate on a 1-10 scale. They’re on the high end, but I really can’t decide if I just liked them or loved them. Maybe I’ll need to watch again in the near future (they say you notice more things the second time anyway).

We also picked up a couple fish this past week. They’re a couple of White Skirt Tetras. I decided that I really like tetras, they’re decently sized fish for our 35 gallon tank (grow to about 2 inches), they’re pretty, they school, and the angelfish don’t bother them. I’m really happy with how our little fish community is coming along, Michael is doing a fabulous job with it (he takes care of the fish, I take care of the cat).

Speaking of the cat… I read an entry of ‘s, where she talked about catster.com. I quickly learned that it was a site for showing off your cat, and it gives you the ability to make little blogs for your cat. Ahh cat blogs! Now Caligula already has his own subdomain, but how could I resist giving him a catster site so he could link up with his friends? I couldn’t! So now Caligula has his own catster.com site: www.catster.com/?105180.

While surfing the web yesterday I discovered an IFilms.com page which gave a 3 minute glimpse into the “Making of Wallace and Gromit” the Movie! After watching it I updated wallaceandgromit.net and then I went off to read livejournal entries. I then began to wonder if there was a wallace and gromit community. There must be! But I can’t seem to find one. Very strange, Wallace and Gromit tend to have a pretty geeky cult following, and many of the people I know on livejournal are geeky. Well, I decided to start one of my own (wallaceandgromit was too long by one letter). I was going to update the community with all the posts I had posted on wallaceandgromit.net over the past year, but apparently you can’t backdate on communites. Oh well. I’ve updated it with the latest one, and I’ll continue to update it with whatever I put on wallaceandgromit.net. Of course anyone can post news and information, and I think with the release of the film in October of this year the piles of information coming in is going to become unmanagable for just me %)

Besides making kitty websites and wallace and gromit communities yesterday, we went over to Michael’s mother’s house for a “family gathering” … which I’m not terribly fond of. I only knew a few people, and I tend to be shy in big groups anyway. We felt obligated to go though, since we hadn’t seen Michael’s mother since before Christmas, and we needed to exchanged gifts. Family gatherings are always exhausting, even when I don’t mingle much, and this was no exception, but we did get our gifts %) His mother bought us a very nice set of silverware (we have what I like to call “the bachelor set” right now, they don’t exactly match), and some nice knives. Yay! She even bought Caligula a few gifts. A stuffed animal cat that meows or purrs when you touch it (he kept attacking it when we brought it home), a “Thing in a Bag” which makes noise and make Caligula go crazy trying to figure out what’s going on, and his favorite (ok, my favorite)… a remote controlled mouse!

Caligula Chases Remote Controlled Mouse

I also got a movie of him playing with it (sorry for the lousy quality, the filesize would have been huge, or the movie really short if I had done it at a high quality): http://caligula.bevilacqua.us/movies/caligulaMouse.avi

Now I need to go get ready to go out from some Mexican food
with friends %d

*wanders off*