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use_ssl = “yes”

Our MythTV box is up and running. Michael spent a good part of the weekend working on it (details here, it’s really cool). So now I can watch any movies from our digital library on the tv with a remote *glee*

This also means that the media server is stable again. I always run irssi from our media server, but when Michael took it down to move it and turn it into a Myth box I started chatting from a friend’s server, and R2 was offline for most of the week. Now I can run everything locally again. Best of all, the media server is on Gentoo now, and has a much newer version of irssi than the debian stable box had, and it supports connecting to servers with SSL! So now both me and R2D2 are using SSL to connect to Xelium.

For R2 I just use the /connect -SSL fire.xelium.net 6697 method, since his irssi session is pretty simple, he only joins one server and two channesls, but my irssi configuration is a bit more complex, so I needed to edit my ~/.irssi/config file:

servers = (
address = "fire.xelium.net";
chatnet = "xelium";
port = "6697";
autoconnect = "yes";
use_ssl = "yes";

So now I am a secure connection!

In other IRC news, we’re adding as an IRCop on Xelium this week. It’s been a long time in coming, he’s been quite helpful to the network, and has a good head on his shoulders. And right now we need another oper, we’ve all been so busy (or sucked into WoW) lately.

Today was my last day at the temp work assignment that I’ve been at for over 4 months. I have a few options now, I need to call a company in Huntingdon Valley tomorrow, and the temp agency is going to set me up with an interview later this week. I shouldn’t be unemployed for long, but a few days off are nice, especially in the middle of winter when I am going a little crazy.