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Last night I was finishing up work, packing up my bag and walked to the front door. It was snowing.

SNOWING? That wasn’t in the forecast!

Worst of all, it was 5 pm, and traffic in this area is bad.

Did I say bad? It’s worse than that. Traffic in the Philadelphia area can be a nightmare, and the currenty job I’m on happens to be in a traffic epicenter. When it’s not rush hour it takes about 25 minutes to get to where I am working, which isn’t bad. But during rush hour it takes at least an hour, most of which is spent in very slow stop and go traffic.

It took us a half hour to go .4 mile last night.

This morning I got up and called the snow line at the company, they weren’t opening until 9:00 because of the snow. “So we’ll leave at 8, no problem.” I thought.

At 9:45 I wasn’t so sure. Ended up calling the temp agency telling them I wouldn’t make it in. We still hadn’t gotten there and Michael had to go to work too! It was such a mess. Not to mention the foul mood it’s put me in. How can people stand to be in traffic for 2 hours? I can’t imagine working in that location full time.

I’ll be working there again tomorrow, but my hours are earlier, which means I have to get up earlier, bleh. I hope the traffic is better an hour earlier.