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The Super Bowl and a successful job interview.

Yesterday, while we were our shopping, called us an invited us to a “Super Bowl Party” at our friends Barry and Rae’s place.

Since we were in the area anyway, we went to Whole Foods to pick up some cheeses to bring to the party. We picked up some: Black Mountain Cheese (UK), Wallace & Gromit’s Wensleydale (UK), and Chimay Cheese (Belgium). Mmm cheese! Also picked up an herb and garlic cheese spread, a couple types of crackers, some sesame bread and tomato hummus. When I got home I put it all on a platter and around 6 we headed over to our friend’s place.

The Super Bowl was on TV, but no one was watching it the whole time, most of us played games. Uno, Disney Trivia, Scrabble. The cheese went over well and we all had a nice time. It was nice to see everyone.

This morning I had a job interview. It took about a half hour, during which I learned a great deal more about the position, and was confident that the job would suit me. It’s just an office job, but I can use my brain! And it’s for a big company, which the woman interviewing me said there was much room to grow within. That’s what I wanted to hear.

After the interview I called the temp agency and told them I was interested in taking the job if they’d hire me, and this afternoon I got a call back saying that I start on February 14th. It’s still through the temp agency, and technically it is a temp job, but it’s an indefinite assignment and most of the jobs the temp agency sends there end in hiring. Yay!