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Movie night

Last night was movie night. Michael invited his friend Bob, and b2s came up (but not Baerana because she was feeling a bit under the weather), and I also was able to contact who decided to drive up from Delaware.

Earlier in the day Michael and I had gone out to get some beer, and decided on Dogfish Head 60 Minute Ale. It’s local brewery (Delaware), and boy is this was some good ale! I’m glad we tried it. For dinner we ordered a few pizzas, and then settled down to watch some MST3K and Black Books.

Michael went to bed around midnight and Bob went home, so I stayed up until about 4am with b2s and escapenguin talking about all sorts of things. It was really fun %) Yay movie night!

Movie night

Yesterday and b2s “kidnapped” me so I wouldn’t be home alone all day. It was fun. We ended up going to a Lone Star Steakhouse for lunch with (had planned on going to Outback, but apparently they aren’t open for lunch). They have tastey chicken sandwiches. Afterwards mj went back to work and the rest of us went to a bookstore, stopped at the liquor store, and then went back to their place to hang out for a bit.

Around 6 we left to go to and ‘s place for movie night. We spent most of the night playing Sceneit? and drinking. I had a few of Bae’s tastey-secret-recipe vanilla Dr Pepper drinks, and was pretty toasted through the second half of the game (and did better that way). Michael showed up just after 11, and we stayed until a little after 1.

When I got home I brushed my teeth and went right to bed. Probably should have had more water, I felt awful this morning ;) I’m better now, it was worth it.