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R2Q5, music and Mushroom-crust quiche

It started yesterday, I felt like going shopping. Shopping? What the hell? I don’t even like shopping.

Well I didn’t go shopping, friends are busy.

So instead I pulled R2Q5 out of storage to survey him. R2Q5 used to be collocated and we used it as a mailserver, webserver and IRC server, we brought it home in August. Since August it’s been sitting around doing nothing.

R2Q5 had everything to work as a real computer again except a working harddrive, so Michael found me one a voila! I have a computer to test new distros on! It’s only a 450 mhz p3, but it’s got over 300 mb of ram and isn’t a bad little computer.

I got it booted up and decided to mess around with Fedora because I have a bunch of Fedora disks laying around (and a huge Fedora book). First thing I did was update the whole system with up2date, then I played around with it and figured out how to use yum (gosh that’s slow!). I wasn’t impressed with how much time it took me to figure out what sources I should use for yum, not even in the books I have. The box completely locked up while installing firefox from yum, that wasn’t cool. But I got xfce4 running on it and was quite pleased with myself. Then I got back from dinner and the whole thing had locked up again, arg! I’m not sure if it’s Fedora or R2Q5 itself yet, but I think I’m going to try an Ubuntu install soon and see how that works out. Michael also suggested “for a challenge” to see if I could get OS Warp 2 running on it *grin* that might be a fun project.

Michael granted my shopping wish this afternoon by taking me out to the Montgomery Mall. He picked up some clothes he needed and I ventured to find some music. Ended up with the My Fair Lady Soundtrack and the Mary Poppins Sountrack, both of which I’ve had on vinyl but the quality was just awful. I also picked up Disney’s Micky Donald and Goofy “The Three Musketeers” CD for a few bucks at the Disney Store. Yay new music!

When we got home I made dinner, finally got to try that Mushroom-crust Quiche recipe that I’ve been wanting to try all week.

Mushroom-crust Quiche served
Mushroom-crust Quiche served

Mushroom-crust Quiche top
Mushroom-curst Quiche “top”

Success! It was delicious, the two of us ate the entire 9in pan full!

1) Melt 3 Tablespoons of butter in a frying pan and cook 1/2 pound coursely chopped mushrooms until they are limp, then add 1/2 cup breadcrumbs and 2 Tablespoons wheat germ. Mix and press mixture into well-greased 9inch round pan.

2) In the same pan melt 2 Tablespoons of butter and cook 7-8 green onions chopped onions until soft, spread over mushroom crust. Spread 1.5 cups (6oz) of Colby Jack cheese over onions.

3) Mix together 1 cup cottage cheese, 3 eggs, 1/4 teaspoon thyme and 1/4 teaspoon marjoram leaves until smooth. Pour into crust. Sprinkle with paprika to taste.

4) Cook at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

5) Remove from oven and let stand for 10 minutes on a wire rack. Serve!
