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My headphones died.

The woman who is training me at work recommended that I bring in a cdplayer/radio to listen to while working, she told me it made the day go by quicker. So the next day I brought in a discman and some old headphones.

OK, so they weren’t headphones, they are “earbuds” and I haven’t a clue how old these things are. They’re Michael’s, I found them in a box while we were living at the apartment, I used to take the discman with me on walks and the earbuds worked nicely back then.

When I got to work I discovered that the right input doesn’t work (no doubt due to the exposed wire on that side which I patched up with electrical tape), but that’s fine since we work with only one in our ear anyway so we can be somewhat alert to what’s going on around us. And the soft stuff on the buds is gone, no big deal.

All week I’ve been saying to myself “Gosh, I should pick up some new ones.”

But we haven’t been anywhere near a store that would sell such a thing, and I didn’t think about it much because these worked good enough for now.

Until today.

I was listening to a Bjork CD and it sounded like it was skipping. I’ve had this CD for a long time, so I sighed and assumed it was going bad. I took it out of the player, and put in and old All About Eve CD. It skipped. Wait? Is that skipping? Nope, it was the sound… my earbuds were dying! I moved the wires around, tilted my head, twisted the wires, played with them for about 20 minutes but the sound problems were just getting worse. Eventually I gave up, it was annoying and wasting my time. It was 11:30.

So now I’m working from 11:30-5 without any music! It wasn’t so bad the first day I was here without music, but now that I’m used to it it’s making my day crawl. It doesn’t help that work today is slow, so the day would be going slowly anyway.

What sort of music do I listen to at work anyway? I brought in quite an assortment last week, trying to find what would amuse me most. Turns out that “chick music” puts me in the proper mood, who knew? Bjork, Ani DiFranco, All About Eve, Jewel, and even Alanis Morissette (post Jagged Little Pill). It’s funny because I hadn’t listened many of these songs in a very long time (with the exception of Bjork). I’d put this whole pile of CDs to a “chick music I outgrew when I graduated high school” pile.

Well, lunch break is almost over, hopefully they’ve found something for me to work on all afternoon.