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Gimp 2.2, schwenksville, and the failed quiche

Lots of things have changed since gimp went 2.0 and beyond. At first I said “oh neat” and then when I started using 2.0, then 2.2 a few things jumped out at me that were really good or really annoying. I thought I’d use it for a couple weeks and see if it’s just my brain saying “change is bad!” so I didn’t like things, but there are some good and bad things that still linger:


  • “Create a New Image” dialog – I liked it much better when the “Advanced Options” didn’t need to be clicked on, since I almost always edit these.
  • When you save images it’s not nearly as intuitive as it used to be. “Browse for other folders” and “select file type extension” should be open by default like it used to be.


  • Last modified date when opening images, better support for “thumbnails” without actual thumbnail directory existing (I HATED that and always turned that option off)
  • Zoom options embedded in image windows, this is nice since I’m always zooming.
  • Crop shading, this went from “oh neat but I don’t care” to “this is actually pretty nice”
  • File, Edit, etc menus embedded in image window (right click still works)

Unfortunately the bad is outweighing the good in my opinion, it’s just not as user friendly (with the exception of my last “Good” thing). I can get used to these changes, but I think it will make it harder for someone new to the program to learn things.

While compiling these lists I was doing quite a bit of image editing, first going through a whole bunch of fish pictures to find a few that could go on our new subdomain for our fishtank: http://fish.bevilacqua.us. The layout is the same as it was for Munch’s site, but the content has changed. Content… gosh there isn’t much. I’m sure we’ll think of things to put on it eventually.

I was also editing images I took when I went on a walk to the library yesterday. I wanted to get the “feel” of an old, small north-eastern town in the US, and Schwenksville personifies that well.


I’ve put all the good pictures I took up on a new section of my website: Downtown Schwenksville.

But I couldn’t help thinking while walking down the road taking pictures of public buildings with my digital camera “I hope someone doesn’t call the cops and think I’m a terrorist!” You may laugh, but in the past month I’ve heard of two similarly silly local stories where someone saw someone “stranger” taking pictures of $a_public_building and called the police to investigate. Really, there wasn’t any other evidence that something bad was happening, just some guys taking pictures. And don’t even get me started on all the Grand Central Station pictures nonsense (oh noes I’m a terrorist!). As if I don’t have enough real things to be afraid of, but I digress.

After the nice walk yesterday I wanted to have a nice dinner. So I went to make some more of my oh so delicious mushroom-crust quiche. It all came together nicely, but I decided to use a glass dish instead of a metal one. I am not sure why, the glass one looked nicer I guess?

Well it was a huge mistake.

After cooking for 30 minutes (out of a 25-30 minute cook time in the recipe) in the oven it was starting to get crispy around the edges and I removed it from the oven. It looked good, but when I flipped it over to cool on the cooling rack it came out as a drippy mess. Noo! The egg didn’t seem to cook all the way! I was pretty upset, I was really looking forward to eating this quiche and it smelled so good. It was after 6, I was hungry and so we decided to go out. First thought was chinese, so we looked up a local chinese place, printed out directions and went out.

urns out this chinese place revolved around take out (complete with one of those light up menus over the cash register). Groan. We left.

We went to a plaza right off the Royserford 422 exit and saw a Steakhouse “Great!” we thought. But when we got in there it was packed and there was a 100-110 minute wait. Gah!

By this time I was pretty hungry, and Michael really wanted steak, so we headed over to Skippack to the Roadhouse Grille. Yum! It was a bit more crowded than I would have liked, but the food was delicious. I got some Alaskan Cod and Michael got a Steak special and a couple glasses of wine (I didn’t feel like drinking). I finished my meal with a slice of chocolate malt ball cake and Michael had a cognac. He had both wine and cognac? Yep, and I drove home. As I got into the driver’s seat I realized I’d never driven with Michael in the car before! I’d followed him home when returning rental cars a couple times, but never in the same car. It was a strange feeling

We were home a little after 9. And I was exhausted.

And now it’s almost 3pm on Sunday. This weekend is going by too quickly.