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Caligula and Ubuntu

Last night Caligula seemed to be feeling better, when friends came over for movie night he came out and slept in the livingroom to be with everyone instead of hiding in the closet. Then he spent the night on the couch in front of the fireplace.

This morning he was still very tired, but he did manage to eat a little. He tried to jump up on one of the chairs he usually sits on when we’re working upstairs and didn’t have the energy to get up. In the early afternoon when he was sleeping on the couch Michael mentioned that he felt warmer than normal. Sometimes he feels warmer when he’s sleeping because he’s all snuggled up, but I figured I’d give the vet a call anyway to see if we should be concerned.

They told us to bring him in soon so he could be looked at.

We got to the vet and there were dogs in the waiting room, which made him hiss and growl like usual. Once in the exam room he was more mellow than usual (but growled a lot), and kept wanting to crawl back into his carrier. They took his temperature and it turns out he had a fever. Oh no!

The vet wasn’t terribly concerned, but he gave him a Benadryl injection which should bring his fever down. He said it was probably a reaction to the flu vaccine, The cat flu shot that Caligula got contained live (but weakened) virus, and the vet said that some cats do become slightly ill from it. He told us that he’d probably still be sluggish for a couple days, but should be fine by Wednesday, and if not to call them. He also suggested that the next time he gets his flu vaccine we should give him some liquid Benadryl a couple hours before he comes in to the vet.

Poor kitty, I hope he starts feeling better soon,

In better news. I am really loving Ubuntu. Synaptic is much nicer than I remember it (it’s been a while), but I’d definately still go command line for updates and installing, especially on the slower computer I’m using for testing. Still, even using Synaptic, the system runs reasonably well. And since it’s debian-based dependency resolving is all done for you, and it works great. There are lots of how-to’s on and linked to the official Ubuntu site, and the forums are very active and helpful, so the community is there for supporting you, and it seems like the popular packages that aren’t in apt have been dealt with by someone, so finding instructions for that isn’t hard. So I’m impressed, and it’s definately going to the top of my “Recommending to Newbies” list. Yay Ubuntu!

Hopefully tonight we’re going out with some friends to see Robots. Yay!

Now I must go.