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Pancakes, divs, indian food and next weekend

About a week ago I read Sam’s post about the best pancake ever. Yum blueberry! I love blueberries, but they’re not in season right now, so even if I could find them fresh they’d be very expensive. The solution? Frozen blueberries! Of course! Why didn’t I think of that? The last time we were at the grocery store we picked up some.

Last night I took some of the blueberries out of the freezer to thaw, and this morning they were ready to be made into pancakes. I prepared it by the directions, and 80 minutes later (the batter needs to sit for 60 minutes before cooking) I had a 8 delicious pancakes to enjoy for breakfast. Yum! They were good pancakes, but in my opinion not really knock-your-socks-off good.

Yesterday I spent a lot of time huddled with my my CSS book (The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks). I decided that the new Xelium site would be done with a huge pile of CSS, divs rather than tables, and validated XHTML 1.0. Quite a task, since I’ve only dabbled in these places somewhat unsuccessfully. Yesterday, however, was a very successful day. I have a beautiful two-column layout page made with divs and CSS that looks good in Mozilla and IE without any special tinkering, AND it all validates! Closing img and br tags with /> takes some getting used to, but in all the site is doing very well. But I can’t show it here because it’s not officially released yet (if you’re really interested I can give you a peek, but I don’t want to publish a live URL here, it’s based on this design).

I’m so proud of myself. Someday I will completely understand div positioning!

Michael took me out for Indian food last night, which was amazing. I ordered Tandoori Prawn (shrimp), yum! We hadn’t planned on going out, but all the rest of our plans for the day had fallen through and I was a bit bummed out.

Today will mostly be a relaxing day. It’s rainy out and Michael has started a fire in the fireplace.

This evening we’re hoping to meet up with Barry and Rae to make some plans for next weekend. They’ve decided to come with us to Maryland! We all have Friday off (Good Friday), so we’ll be leaving in the morning/early afternoon to drive out there. Michael pulled together a bunch of information about parks and things to do while we’re out there, and while we don’t want to make any solid plans, we want to know what our options are. I’m very excited that they decided to come down with us.