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Is it 5pm yet?

3.5 hours until my 4 day weekend.

The morning went by quickly, but this afternoon is shaping up to be very dull.

Tonight Michael’s mother is coming over and I’ll be making some spinach lasagne. She’ll be taking Caligula home with her so he won’t be left alone for the couple days we’re gone. There is also laundry and packing to do this evening, yeesh.

I expect I’ll even be staying up to watch the pilot episode of the Americanized “The Office” (which will probably be horrible, we speak the same language for godssake! Why do we need to translate and ruin good things?).

Tomorrow morning we’ll be getting up early to get ready to leave. We’ll be meeting Barry and Rae around 9 to get on the road to Maryland, planning on eating a late breakfast/early lunch on our way out there. We don’t have solid plans for once we get to Maryland, we’ll have to see how the weather is. Check-in at the B&B is 3pm. We have dinner reservations at a nice restaurant.

I’m so excited! This is going to be such a great weekend %D