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Shopping and nails, recipes, and xfce4 on Ubuntu

Saturday morning took me out to do some shopping. It was fun, I don’t get to go girly shopping often, and Bae is great company.

Probably the most amusing part of the trip was when we were in the mall and a woman at a kiosk offered to give me a demo of the nail product she was selling, Bae said it worked so I gave in and let her show me. Basically it was just buffing your nail to make it shine, but the woman selling it was blabbering all this nonsense about how the silk works with your natural nail minerals to make it shiney, and to top it all off, a lotion was included in the bundle “Have you heard about the Dead Sea?” she asked (had I heard of the Dead Sea, what the hell?) “Well it has a lot of salt and many healing properties.” Oh brother! Still, my nail is shiny, like it has clear nail polish on it, that’s neat. If she wasn’t spouting all that nonsense I might have actually bought the product. I think I’ll look into this, I’ve never been too girly about my nails, but maybe I should start, shiny nails without polish is cool.

Last night I just hung around the house with Michael drinking a few beers. We ordered some hot subs (er… hoagies!) from Moccia’s Train Stop which were very disappointing, we need to learn to just stick to their amazing pizza and sides. But I had a good night anyway.

This morning when I got up I frowned at all the scraps of paper on my desk with recipes on them. I kept meaning to type them up and put them online in some reasonable order, but I haven’t been in the mood. I decided to finally tackle it. I dusted off the Keeping House section of my site that I hadn’t touched since October, moved all the “Journal” entries I had there to the archive and replaced it with all new food stuff: Spinach lasagne recipe and pictures, Tandoori Chicken recipe and pictures, Mushroom-crust Quiche recipe and pictures, and the recipes for Deviled Steaks and Chicken Manicottis. My next step is going to be expanding the cooking section to include all the recipes in plain text and Word Doc format. I also need to get a binder and print out these recipes for myself so I have a nice place to keep them all, my current scraps of paper method is just a mess %)

After finishing up the work on the site, I decided to fire up my Ubuntu box. Gentoo has really been driving me up the walls lately, every single time I update something is broken, and I need to hit the forums to find a fix. This has lead me to two habits when updating:

1. I don’t update often, probably once a month

2. When I update I make sure I have plenty of time to fix things

So, Ubuntu. I don’t like Gnome much, so I thought I’d figure out how hard it was to get xfce4 installed. I was pleasantly surprised:

apt-get install xfce4

Kickass. It works perfectly. I’m using warty stable, so it’s only 4.0, but any xfce4 is better than Gnome.

And now it’s time to stop geeking out, we’re having company soon.

*wanders off to get looking more presentable*