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I dreamed of rain

Last night I had a dream that it was raining. Nothing else was happening in this dream, just rain.

I think this is the 11th beautiful, sunny day in a row, they say it’s supposed to get over 80 degrees out today. I like sunny days, I can go for walks and work in my garden and enjoy being outside, but 11 days? Barely even a cloud in the sky? It’s weird.

I miss the rain.

I also miss the trees outside of the Univest Insurance office in Lansdale.

Last week while walking I happened to overhead a man in overalls telling a man in a suit that “They never should have planted these trees here, they get too large, the trouble you’re having comes from the roots…” I thought it was sad that someone would not take into account how large the trees grow when planting them in front of a building, like all those poor trees in cities that look nice on a city block until their roots start breaking up the sidewalks and they need to be removed.

Yesterday while out on my walk at lunchtime I walked past a big line of trees, enjoying their pink flowers, and approached the Univest building.

The trees were gone! Only piles of dirt where they had been remained. It’s now just a little bit harder to breathe here in Lansdale.

I wonder what they do with trees like that. Did they have to chop them up and tear them down? I’ve certainly never seen a live tree larger than 15ft be moved on a truck.