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You don’t notice how much tap water influences your life until it sucks.

When we first moved into our house one of the first things we noticed was how awful the tap water was. Not only was it hard, but it tasted yucky. It’s city water, and nothing is wrong with it from a health standpoint, but I won’t drink it directly from the tap, our Brita pitcher gets a lot of work. Hard water is bad for appliances, and all our glasses are getting scratched up and have a white buildup on them.

I quickly found myself getting excited when I stayed at hotels or other people’s houses because they had “nice water.” My hair feels better after washing it in non-hard water, lathery soap yay!

After a few months of this I idly started looking into water softeners. About $1000 for one, plus installation, maintenance, etc. It was something I wanted, but put on the back burner, it’s not *that* important is it?

Come Christmastime, we’re over at Michael’s mother’s for a family get-together. There I learned that one of his Uncles owns a water softener/purifier business, it’s his job to install exactly what I want! I kept it in mind and Michael and I discussed it some, at least with a relative doing the estimate we wouldn’t be lied to or the price jacked up unreasonably.

Then, a few weeks ago we were at Lowes picking up some things for our gardens. We were walking through the plumbing aisle when we came across the water softeners.

“I should really give my Uncle a call.”
“Yes! Do it! Now! Hurrygoquickly!”

And he did. His uncle came to our house a couple weeks ago and gave us an estimate of about $1000, installed, plus an extra under the kitchen sink purifier so the water will taste good out of the tap. Nice! We let them know that we wanted it done.

So today is the day our water softener is being put in. I’m hoping there won’t be any problems and I’ll be able to go home this evening and have nice water.


And now I weep because I just wrote a whole entry about how excited I am about getting a water softener, 2.4 kids here I come, hahaha!