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Jonn Serrie! And the rest of my week

I’ve had another busy week. Monday I stayed late at work. Tuesday we drove out to Lancaster for a pagan meetup that didn’t pan out, a real disappointment, but on our way home we stopped for dinner at The Drafting Room in Exton to have a nice dinner. Wednesday and Thursday night.. what did I do? Checked out my brain and relaxed. Friday night we went over to and ‘s place for movie night, where we watched about half the season of Firefly (I’ve seen it) in anticipation for the second Serenity prerelease screening that’s taking place on May 26th, which I’ll go see too if there is a spare ticket. We stayed at their place until 3 am watching Firefly, it was a good night.

Yesterday I could only sleep in until 9, spent the morning reading The White Dragon.. and her sister picked me up around 2 and we headed over to and ‘s place for a baby shower. It was nice, but hot, stupid weather, we went down in their basement to hide from the heat for a bit %) We left around 5:30 and got home so Michael and I could head down to the city.

The traffic was terrible, took us nearly 2 hours to get down to the city, most of which was spent in traffic on 76. Yuck. But we got down to Philly, found a parking space and got to the Jonn Serrie concert on time, even had a few minutes to pick up a copy of And the Stars Go With You, an essential Serrie CD.

The concert was amazing! The first 45 minutes flew by, I couldn’t believe it when he stopped and called for intermission. That’s when I brought the cd up for him to sign, I was grinning like an idiot, but he was quite nice %)

And the Stars Go With You Signed


The rest of the show was great too, I had a really nice time. I’m so glad Michael introduced me to his music, he’s my favorite space music artist of all %)

The show ended a little before 11. When we got home at midnight I went right to bed, long day.

Today we don’t have plans, but it’s supposed to be damp, possibly with showers. I’ll probably just pay some bills, play on the computer, read for a bit… Just relax.

*wanders off*