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Star Wars again

Last night I went to see Star Wars again. I couldn’t help it, Michael was at work all day and I spent the day hanging out with a friend who brought over the Clone Wars cartoon dvds (which I hadn’t seen). When Michael called to say he’d be home very late said friend mentioned that it was ashame we didn’t know earlier, because we could have gone out to see Star Wars in the IMAX.

“Well, we still can!”

So we called up a couple other friends. Unfortunately the IMAX showings were sold out (probably have been for days, there are no Sunday ones either). But the normal theater ones were not sold out. We all headed out to Bennigans for dinner, then got to the theater for an 11pm showing.

The theater wasn’t *too* packed, we were about 25 minutes early and got good seats.

It was fun to see on the big screen again, and the sound was better in KOP than it was at Warrington Crossing. You can’t beat the midnight showing crowd though, not much cheering during this one %)

We got out of the theater around 1:30, got home around 2, Michael came home shortly after I did (yay!).

Today I think we’re just going to hang out here at home together. I want to do some reading. *yawns and wanders off*