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It’s dripping out

It’s not raining. It’s just cloudy and sometimes drips fall from the sky.

I debated going for a walk during this lunch break, but figured it would start pouring as soon as I got halfway through my normal walk. I’m sure my new raincoat would have treated me good, but it’s not long enough to cover my pants and I’m not in the mood to spend the rest of the work day with soaked pants.

I’m not really in the mood for much, except sleeping. I’m not exactly depressed, just feeling lazy. Maybe I am depressed. I have no reason to be. Little things have been ticking me off all week. People just suck. I’m being all critical of everything everyone in my life is doing/saying, and taking it too far in my head. The other day I told Michael I wanted to take him and Caligula off to a cave in the middle of nowhere and live all alone with no other dumb people.

I have a big ole pile of invoices on my desk. I think I’m just going to listen to some NIN and dive into them this afternoon. 5 o’clock can’t come soon enough.

I hope this mood will pass soon. *puts head on desk*