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Last night I started to get a sore throat, then a cough.

Ugh, allergies. Hot weather always makes them worse.

I stayed in the air conditioning most of the evening, and around 10 decided to go to bed. I was feeling pretty crappy so I went to find the Benadryl.

We had none.

Arg. Ok, I’ll take some NyQuil, at least that’ll knock me out and stop the coughing.

No NyQuil.


So I slept horribly last night. When the alarm when off at 5am I was already awake. Eventually dragged myself out of bed around 6.

Leaving the air conditioned bedroom was terrible! The shower I took was a relatively cold one.

And now I’m at work. I was miserable when I came in, but the dry cool environment here has helped my chest congestion, I’m not coughing as much, so my throat and chest don’t hurt as much. But I’m exhausted, I want to go to sleep.

We’ll pick up some Benadryl on the way home tonight, which I’ll take immediately and be a zombie for the rest of the evening, yay!

I’m glad this doesn’t happen often. The hot weather can leave now!