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Reading Rut

I read a lot of books. Most mornings before work I find some time to squeeze in a few pages, some evenings I read myself to sleep. On weekends I usually spend a couple hours a day with my nose in some book.

But last night when I went to read I groaned.

Wait, brain, why are you groaning? You read all the time! You love to read!

Because nothing is interesting! My brain said.

That’s funny. I have a zillion books, have bought many more in the past few months. Fantasy books, Scifi books, computer books, history books, classic books.

But my brain is right, nothing has felt interesting lately. The Dragonriders of Pern Trilogy was the last great thing I read. It started off slow, but got better as it went along, by the time I got to the end of the third I said “wow this is great.. OH CRAP IT’S OVER!”

I picked up Orion Shall Rise by Poul Anderson a few weeks ago, looked good but I’m having trouble getting into it, even after 100 pages. And there are a few computer books that I’ve been reading, but I’m not really in the mood for them lately.

Last night I read a bit in Michael’s Shaman book, but just wasn’t as hooked as I had been when I picked it up last.

I’m sure it’s not the fault of these books, I just haven’t been in the right mood to take a book seriously.

I think I need to pick up some more Terry Pratchett or Dan Brown so my brain can take a break from seriousness and just have I-can’t-put-this-book-down fun.