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Friends, food and animals

Ah, weekend.

Friday night Michael and I drove down to Media for movie night at and ‘s place, also joined us down there. We arrived a bit late, so the pizza was there when we got there, and so we ate first. Pizza was good, a bit greasy (boy did I pay for it later). They also had some corn chips, bean dip from Trader Joe’s, and some great, spicy guacamole. After dinner we had some Trader Joe’s apple pie, yum! We thought about watching some movies (it was movienight afterall), but the apartment was a bit warm, so we brought chairs out on the porch where the breeze was nice and spent the evening talking.

It was a good night, didn’t get home until after 2am.

Saturday morning was spent doing nothing! The temperature outside was in the 90s, and I didn’t feel like cleaning the house. I did some laundry and puttered around on my computer, tweaking websites and making more customizations to my Debian install. I went to the bank in the early afternoon to deposit my first paycheck.

Around 3:30 we left to meet Bob at the Summer Magic Beer Dinner at the Iron Hill Brewery in North Wales. On our way over Michael wasn’t feeling so great because of the heat, and I wasn’t quite 100% either. We figured we’d meet up and see how we felt once in the A/C of the Brewery.

We ordered a couple sodas and a bread and cheese appetizer to calm our stomachs and get hydrated. They had a guy from the Magic Hat Brewery (horrible website) in Vermont there, and he had the whole hippie-vermont look to him, which was amusing. We ordered samples of the Magic Hat Anti Oxidant Acid Ale, which was insane, my first impression was that it tasted a bit like wine, but there were so many intense tastes that I never did manage to decide what it exactly tasted like, or if I liked it.

Then came “The Reserve Dinner.” It was amazing. One waiter said “I almost quit because of this!” (so he could become a customer). Our waiter said “I’m so jealous” when we were about halfway through the meal. And a couple servers bringing us our food said “save room for dessert, it’s wonderful.” The service was great, and I really enjoy servers who know about and love the food and drink they’re serving, and can get just as excited about it, really adds to the whole experience, you’re among like-minded people.

The appetizer was Caribbean Shrimp and Crab Fritters – fresh tomato salsa and spice green chile oil. Yum. We were almost finished when they brought out the first beer (which was actually the second, they didn’t have the first ready yet). The beer was Iron Hill’s Rauch Bier, which was my favorite of the evening, nice and light.

The main course was Hickory Pit Smoked Strip Sirloin – the sirloin, fried green tomatoes, tarragon potato salad and sorrel cream sauce. It was pretty good, a bit sweeter than I tend to like entrees, and we got the next beer (which was actually the first, finally ready), Iron Hill’s Saison. Again, a pretty light summery beer, which I thought was alright, but I managed to finish most of it %)

Then came dessert, Chocolate “Molten” Cake – raspberry chocolate chip ice cream, chocolate ganache and fresh raspberries. No description does it justice, it was heavenly, one of the best desserts I’ve ever had. Halfway through I was like “I don’t want to finish it! then this deliciousness will be gone forever!” Needless to say I finished it, but I took my time. Paired with the cake was Magic Hat’s Thumbsucker whose description was “This Vermont Imperial Stout’s bites if chocolate, toffee, and coffee marry perfectly with this dense decadent dessert” yowza. It was good, but so filling, I barely managed to finish half of it. We hung out a little while to digest and talk, left around 7.

I want to go again %D!

We got home around 8. When we pulled in the driveway we saw a dark gray cat with a blue collar that we’d never seen outside before. We slowed down and both said “um, that looks like… CALIGUL
A!” Michael stopped and I got out of the car to get a closer look (how could he have gotten out?!), the cat ran away from me, but had a guilty look while running to our front door, just like Caligula would have had. But as I got closer I became pretty sure that it wasn’t Caligula, it was too gray all over, and then it darted away from the house and toward the road. We went inside and there was Caligula, happy to see us, like normal. Phew.

I was exhausted and hot, crashed on the couch. Michael went outside to water the plants and then went into the basement, where a bad smell was coming from.

“I think something died down there. In the sump pump,” he said.


He got the flashlight and went down to further investigate.

At first he thought it was a dead rat, but it turned out to be a dead baby bunny %( He had to fish it out and get rid of it, yuck yuck, sad sad. Poor thing, must have fallen in and was unable to escape %(

After that I went to put away my cellphone and noticed I had missed a call, and had a voicemail. Oops, it rang while we were at the brewery, but it was so noisy there that I never heard it. The message was from , and were in town, staying with her and . They were going out to dinner and a movie, wanted to know if we wanted to come. We wanted to, hadn’t seen since October, but we were both too tired.

Instead we chilled out upstairs in the A/C and watched MST3K – Manos the Hands of Fate. I went to bed as soon as it was over.

Now it’s Sunday morning. No plans, but it’s hot again and I’m upstairs hiding in the A/C.

I should go take a shower. *Yawn*