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house, friends, and digital photo processing

The weekend has been productive. Saturday was spent doing a lot of cleaning the house and organizing our bedroom and the new dresser. Michael spent the day outside working on the yard, finally got rid of the rest of our big mulch pile. He also attempted to clean the huge old rug that we had in the bathroom, but we ended up just throwing it away because it was too unmanagable.

In the evening we went out to Bed, Bath & Beyond to pick up some new bath mats. They are so nice and soft on my feet! While I was brushing my teeth Caligula walked into the bathroom and stopped on the first mat and started pawing and digging in it, it was adorable, I forgot how much he loves rugs of that kind. For dinner Saturday night Michael grilled some fillet mignon that we had picked up at the Whole Foods market, accompanied with a bottle of Francis Coppola Merlot, it was a delicious dinner.

Sunday was a beautiful day, and I didn’t want to stay home, so I hopped on IRC and asked some friends what their plans for the day were. said he wasn’t busy until the evening, and invited us over to her apartment. had plans to play D&D with friends, but the plans fell through and he was able to spend the day with us too.

I got to stop at CVS before lunch to make some prints of photos at one of the kiosks. I’d read about the Kodak kiosks, and there is one at the pharmacy next to where we grocery shop, but I’d never used one before. I’m impressed! They’re easy to use, and you can get photos from all sorts of different kinds of media, and it prints the pictures right away, the whole process only took about 10 minutes – most of which was just me clicking through the photos on the disk and seeing which ones I wanted and how many. Now we finally have some prints to give to our mothers!

Went out to lunch at Bennigans, then stopped at Trader Joe’s, which is a nice store, but I still prefer Whole Foods. We went back to the apartment and hung out all afternoon, got to play with Nibbler, who was in a great mood. Around 7, when had to leave for a baseball game and Michael invited us up to our house to enjoy the firepit. So drove me back up to our house, and we spent the evening at the firepit talking, had some grilled chicken for dinner. It was a great evening. Around midnight I left the guys to the fire to go to bed, it had been a busy day and I was so tired.

And now it’s the 4th of July. I emailed some friends to see if they had interesting plans, but haven’t heard back. So for now our plans are just to hang out at home and relax. Fine with me.

I love 3 day weekends.