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Happy Hour

I haven’t been posting much this week. Nothing I’ve been thinking about is quantifiable yet. I’ve tried to start writing about it but then it comes out wrong. And it takes time to organize thoughts that have been bouncing around in your head without leaving anything important out.

So instead of trying to sort that out, I’ll just talk about my evening friday.

Michael picked me up from work and we went to find a restaurant bar where a bunch of guys he used to work with were having a happy hour. We got lousy directions and ended up getting lost, but so did Bob, when we called him up asking for directions he was lost too, just one street down from us. After calling a guy at the happy hour to get better directions, getting turned around, looking at a map, we finally made it there around 6:30.

We had a nice time, I met some people Michael used to work with who I had never met before. I think next time we do this sort of thing I’ll bring a change of clothes, sitting outside in the summer in my work clothes is no good. I met some new interesting and smart people, which is something I haven’t been doing much lately. Around 9 we decided to leave and find a place to eat (they had food there, but the place was a bit of a dive).

So Bob, Michael’s former co-worker Kirk, Michael and I decided to find some place to eat. Bob suggested we go to Doylestown, find a place to park and walk around to find a place to eat. So that’s what we did.

When we got there I saw a witch. Not some goth girl dressed up, a real halloween decked out chick in a pointed hat. “Oh neat, there are witches in Doylestown” I said to myself, puzzled. Then we saw some kids dressed as witches! Hmm… it’s not Octobe.. OH HARRY POTTER COMES OUT AT MIDNIGHT! Yeah, and Doylestown had a cute little bookstore that was selling it at that time, there was a big ole line outside the store.

We ended up eating at The Knight House. It was a nice place, fairly upscale. They had A/C and Guinness, which were my two requirements for a dining place that night. We all had a nice time talking, I finally stopped being shy and talked a bit. Unfortunately their signature dish the “Knight’s Tower” that we ordered wasn’t so good. It was a “tower” of seafood, but I don’t think my tastes match what their master chef’s are, so just about every mixed salad type thing on the tower didn’t taste very good to me. They even ruined the lobster claws! Still, the fish that they didn’t touch (crab legs, shrimp, oysters) were good.

It was almost midnight when we left, close to 1 am when we got home. It was a good night.

The rest of the weekend has been good too, but I am keeping the details of yesterday secret until all the papers are signed Monday evening *excited*